Tuesday, January 17, 2017


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Number Recognition (VNR) is an image processing technology which uses efficient algorithms to detect the vehicle number from real time images. The system first detects the vehicle and then captures the image of the front view of the vehicle. Vehicle number plate is localized & characters are segmented. The system is designed for grayscale images so it detects the number plate regardless of its color. Template matching technique is used for the character recognition. The resulting vehicle number is then compared with the available database of all the vehicles so as to come up with information about the vehicles stored, if it is known in database then it is allowed otherwise it is not allowed to enter inside the parking area. . The vehicle information (such as passing time, date, vehicle number) is also stored in the different database to maintain the record. 
Algorithm for Automatic Vehicle Number Recognition is designed in MATLAB. The road barriers & traffic is controlled by using Microcontroller. System also contains LCD display to guide vehicles.

Block diagram:

Components used:
Web camera
Servo motor
Smart parking systems
Access control
Border control
Finding stolen cars
Airport parking

Microcontroller & GSM Based industrial faults monitoring system

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    The aim of this project is to monitor industrial faults like three phase voltages up and down, Fire or smoke, and presence of persons to the prohibited areas. In this monitoring system the device consists of GSM modem, microcontroller, relays, display and sensors like PIR sensor, smoke sensor, potential transformers etc. when somebody enters to the prohibited area the PIR sensor connected will detect the presence of person, and it will give an interrupt to the microcontroller. Smoke sensor (Passive infra red sensor) is used to detect the presence of smoke ultimately fire is detected. The microcontroller continuously checks the conditions of the phases connected to the loads. Under the phase failure condition of any phase, this system detects and automatically switches off the three phase supply, LCD display is connected to the system to display the status of the system. On any interrupt by sensors SMS is sent to the in charge person to inform the status of industry and all orders are accepted by SMS through GSM module connected to the microcontroller.


·         Power Supply 5v DC    - 7805 
·         Microcontroller            - PIC16F877a
·         Crystal                          - 20MHz                                             
·         LCD                              -Liquid Crystal Display 2X16
·         MAX232                       - Serial Communication
·         Buzzer                            - Volt-5v-12vDC
·         Relays
·         Smoke sensor
·         PIR sensor
·         GSM module

Block Diagram of system

·     Industrial sensor processing and control.
·     Remote operation of industrial appliances.
      Modified version can be used for weather monitoring, temperature    updates, device synchronization, etc.
·         This project can be implemented in Home Automation System also.

Smart toll tax collection system using Matlab for vehicle number plate recognition

Real time “Character Recognition & Pattern Recognition” is a latest research topic. Research Engineers all around the world are working on it. This technique is being used in many daily life applications to make human life much easy. Vehicle Number Recognition (VNR) is an image processing technology which uses efficient algorithms to detect the vehicle number from real time images. A toll road is a privately or publicly built road for which one pays a toll tax for its use. The building or facility in which a toll is collected may be called a toll plaza, toll station, or toll gate. The purpose of the research project (Smart Toll Tax Collection System Using Automatic Vehicle Number Recognition) is to automate the toll collection and to facilitate the toll collecting authorities. The system first detects the vehicle and then captures the image of the front view of the vehicle. Vehicle number plate is localized & characters are segmented. The system is designed for grayscale images so it detects the number plate regardless of its color. Template matching technique is used for the character recognition. The resulting vehicle number is then compared with the available database of all the vehicles so as to come up with information about the vehicle type & to charge toll tax accordingly. The system is then allowed to open road barrier for the vehicle & generate toll tax receipt. The vehicle information (such as passing time, date, toll amount) is also stored in the different database to maintain the record.
Algorithm for Automatic Vehicle Number Recognition is designed in MATLAB. The road barriers & traffic is controlled by using Microcontroller. System also contains LCD display to guide vehicles. Apart from toll collection system can also be used for security and authorized vehicles entrance in organizations & for automatic commercial parking systems. The proposed AVNR algorithm consists of some stages. In the first stage, Vertical edges of the acquired image are found. In the next stage, histogram analysis of its bit density is used for finding the possible candidate regions of license plate. Then in 3rd step deviation in rows is applied to locate exact candidate region. In the next stage, exact location of Number Plate is extracted by using some Morphological operators. Then in next step image region properties are found and by using bounding box Number Plate is segmented and each character is separated. In the last step each segmented image is compared with characters & digits templates which are already stored on computer & on the basis of its result Vehicle Number is found in String format. The system is implemented on hardware with the integration of Matlab, and its performance is tested on real images & a working prototype is developed. It is observed from the experiments that the developed system successfully detects and recognizes the vehicle number plate on real images of Pakistani vehicles.

Block diagram:

Components used:
·         Microcontroller
·         Web camera
·         Servo motor
·         Vehicle
·         Laptop

The system is implemented for the automatic toll collection, beside this AVNR method developed in this research project can be also used for various other important applications such as, smart parking systems, access control, border control, finding stolen cars, airport parking & can also be used as a marketing tool. The design also deals with the issues of Number Plate Locating & Plate segmentation to make an efficient system. This research project facilitates the users in numerous ways like fair toll tax payment, automatic & easy way of paying toll tax.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

RFID based attendance system with C# for GUI

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            RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is a technology that uses electromagnetic fields to identify objects in a contactless way. I have implemented real time “RFID BASED ATTENDANCE SYSTEM USING GUI” the GUI is developed using C# with .net platform and arduino microcontroller is used to interface RFID card reader with GUI as RFID card reader communicates through SPI protocol. The system works as a person brings the RFID card/tag near with RFID card reader, RFID card’s UID is read and sent to IT and administration departments wirelessly where GUI runs on server computer. RFID card’s UID is received and matched with database if it is found then attendance is registered there.

I have designed and implemented system named “RFID Based Attendance System Using GUI”.  The main target was to design a wireless on campus attendance system with the features to maintain records of attendance and students identification using RFID technology. The RFID module reads the RFID card’s unique identification (UID) and sends that UID to Arduino microcontroller via SPI communication protocol which is located in any class room. Further Arduino sends that UID to IT department and chairman office where GUI is running servers. The UID is sent wirelessly. I have used Rf-433MHz modules for wireless communication between any class rooms to servers.
These Rf-433MHz modules are interfaced with Arduino UNO which receive UID and Arduino then serially transmit that data to server computer. The GUI is designed on visual studio using C# programming language interfaced with SQL database, as the GUI receives that RFID UID code then matches with database. If the RFID UID code is registered then attendance is registered. Our system uses three Arduino UNO boards for demo, one RF transmitter and two RF receiver modules, one RFID card reader and ten RFID cards are used as for testing. 

Flow Chart:

C# based GUI design: 

Visual studio integrated development environment (IDE) as you use Windows Forms to build a relatively straightforward C# program. Windows Forms provide your project with components, such as dialog boxes, menus, buttons, and many other controls, that make up a standard Windows application user interface (UI). Fundamentally, these controls are just classes from the .NET Framework class library.
My GUI contains seven forms integrated to make a powerful desktop application. Our application maintains records, student database, adding new student to database, editing, deleting and online attendance page where name of person is shown as he/she brings RFID card near RFID card reader and also date, time & his/her record is saved.
Each page is described below.

Main Page:
This is main home page of GUI application; it contains four buttons Database view, Attendance page, Reports and Port config. One can navigate to any page by clicking any respective button.

Database View:
Database view page shows us the database, we have created, we can search, add new, edit and delete any person from database from here, we can also delete the entire database here and we can also print database in pdf file.

Add New:
On this page we can add new person in our database, it contains fields like SID, Name, Department, RFID, E-mail, Mobile some are mandatory to be filled before clicking “Save” button. After clicking on “Save” button a person is registered in the database.

Update New:
On this page we can update the registered person in our database first we will search them then we can edit and update, also we can delete any person from this page.

Attendance Page:
On this page, real time attendance is recorded and saved in record when a person brings RFID card near RFID card reader and his/her name is shown on screen for five seconds only.  Real time digital clock and date are also running every time on this page.

On this page we can view recorded attendance of person, we can search attendance record by SID of person, we can also search attendance records within date ranges.

Port Config:
This page is used to define port name and baud rate to communicate with Arduino microcontroller. Port name is defined where we have plugged Arduino and baud rate is set which is defined in Arduino programming.


“RFID Based Attendance System Using GUI” is designed and implemented, the predictable results have been achieved and the range of RF modules for wireless transmission is tested up to 70 meters. For further increase in range we would have to use Wifi modules or Xig Bee modules. I have tested my system using ten RFID cards only however, we can increase the database up to space available in system hardware. We can also print database or attendance records in pdf format.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

GPS-GPRS Based Vehicle Tracking System

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The GPS/GSM Based System is one of the most important systems, which integrate both GSM and GPS technologies. It is necessary due to the many of applications of both GSM and GPS systems and the wide usage of them by millions of people throughout the world. Vehicle theft is happening on parking and sometimes driving at insecure places. The security of vehicles is extremely essential for public vehicles. Vehicle tracking and locking system installed in the vehicle, to track the place and locking engine motor. The place of the vehicle is identified using Global Positioning system (GPS) and Global system mobile communication (GSM) is used to send or receive SMS by owner. These systems constantly watch a moving Vehicle and report the status on demand. When the theft identified, the responsible person sends SMS to the microcontroller, then microcontroller issue the control signals to stop the engine motor. Authorized person need to send the password to controller to restart the vehicle and open the door. This is more secured, reliable and low cost. GPS unit can determine other information like, speed, distance to destination, time and other. GPS receiver is used to detect the vehicle location and provide information (longitude & latitude) co-ordinates to responsible person through GSM technology.

Components used:
·         Microcontroller
·         GPS module
·         GSM Module
·         LCD
·         Battery
·         Vehicle (Complete structure with motors installed)
·         Security (Vehicle theft detection & localizing)

·         SMS based vehicle lock & unlock system

Saturday, February 7, 2015


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Color is the most common feature to distinguish between objects, sorting, recognizing and tracking.This method of sorting objects is faster and does not require continuous monitoring, thereby increases the production and growth of the industry. It synchronizes the movement of servo motor to sort the objectsmoving on a conveyor belt. It aims in classifying thecoloured objects which are coming on the conveyor by sorting the objects in its respective pre-pogrammed place. Thereby, eliminating therepetitive work done by human, achievingaccuracy and speed in the work. The project involves image processing on matlab a webcam connected with computer senses the object’s colour in real time video andsends the signal to the microcontroller. Themicrocontroller drivesthe servo motor connected along conveyer belt which defines the direction of shaft to send theobjects in pre-defined path on moving conveyer belt and comes back to the original position. The conveyer belt is continuously moving.
RGB image is comprised of three layers i.e. red, green and blue. We have used an algorithm to eliminate the unwanted component from RGB space to detect desired color.

Thursday, February 5, 2015


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Innovation in science and technology has reduced human efforts with fast processing and reduces errors. Automation and embedded system are growing fast to implement in Pakistan. We have designed a system to automate the hotel, the customer is entertained by the system, each table has a screen where customer watches the menu for available items, and presses relevant key to order that item. As customer presses relevant key the order is reached in kitchen where cook watches the ordered item on screen then prepares delivers. Along with the bill is created at counter automatically. The system provides fast processing; reduced errors and no interfere of waiter making hotels smart. The system design uses pic16f877a Microcontrollers which interface 128x64 GLCDs, 16x2 LCD, 4x4 keypad matrix membrane and other circuits and components. The system is designed to be cheap, reliable and flexible. For prototype basis we have limited our system to serve only two tables TABLE1 and TABLE2, however system can be maximized to cover whole hotel without effecting performance.